Based on Christian moral values, students of St. John Neumann Academy are expected to honor our school’s Code of Conduct.
Each student agrees to:
- Respect all adults and peers.
- Be honest and committed to integrity.
- Respect the rights and property of others and of the school.
- Use appropriate language.
- Speak respectfully to and about others.
- Accept responsibility for their own actions.
- Refrain from harassment of any kind.
- Refrain from any deliberate disruption in school.
- Complete all assignments and participate fully in class.
- Not give or receive unauthorized assistance on tests, quizzes or assignments.
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship when engaged in academy-related activities.
- Be present for all required activities unless officially excused by the administration.
- Adhere to the Uniform Dress Code.
- Understand that aggressive behavior such as pushing, slapping, punching or any other behavior deemed inappropriate will not be tolerated.
- Not bring to school nor posess at school any real or toy knives, guns, sharp objects that could be used as weapons, matches, lighters, sparklers, laser devices or any facsimile thereof.
- Not have tobacco, tobacco products, alcohol and/or drugs on school property.
- Never self-medicate at school. All medications and instructions for administering must be turned into the office and that medications will be given by administrative personnel.